Conservation Team Helping to Open Streams in Topsfield


TU Nor’East Chapter members Michael O’Neill and Greg Murrer discuss design considerations for the new bridge at Pond Street, Topsfield, to be designed by engineers from TEC in Andover and John Turner Consulting. Mike is conducting the survey of existing conditions and Greg is putting together the application for wetland permitting.  Kaitlyn Shaw, Science and Restoration Manager for the Ipswich River Watershed, looking on here, is project manager. Travis Good from the Topsfield Highway Dept keeps his distance while looking on.

Hood’s Pond is a natural lake which historically was a major spawning site for migratory herring.  The return of the herring could help clean up the water in the lake and restore healthier fish populations. Hood’s Pond is part of the PyeBrook/Howlett Brook tributary of the Ipswich River.  It is in Topsfield and Ipswich.  The existing culvert is a barrier to all fish and wildlife migrations, eliminating their potential to live.