Ipshich River Stream Team Paddle Date Set

From the Ipswich River Watershed Association:
The annual Winthrop Street to Riverbend paddle trip has been set for May 19th. Chris Sandulli and Susie Winthrop will be leading it, and it will end at Riverbend for the Annual Dock Opening event (with DownRiver Ice Cream). They would love to attract a good crowd for this paddle and use it to engage new Ipswich Stream Team members. This will be a good opportunity to let people know about the acquisition of the new property next door to Riverbend and the new town landing (at our canoe dock) with a parking lot and better access to the river. There is also have a new Ipswich River Paddling Map coming out this spring! Tell all your friends and come on out for a great paddle on Sunday, May 19th from noon to 2pm. Let
Cynthia Ingelfinger know if you can make it to either the paddle or the Dock Opening (2 to 5pm).