Angler’s Guide to Trout Fishing in MA / RI




From the Forward to An Angler’s Guide to Trout Fishing in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Second Edition by Bradford Voight, Peter Schilling, Jamie Leutz, published by the Massachusetts-Rhode Island Council of Trout Unlimited, 2006

One of the hallmarks of any good design is that nothing can be added to it nor, taken away, for it is perfect in its context. While this may hold true for architecture, fine arts, and great novels it cannot apply to guides such as ours. The influence of politics, nature, and human impact on our fisheries constantly alters them. So it was time for a comprehensive revision to the Anglers Guide. For instance, the sea-run Brown Trout fishery that was so prominently featured in the original guide was a project of the Fish & Wildlife Department of the time, but today there are only a few remnant fish. On the other hand, we have new and greatly expanded catch and release areas. Some ponds have become more restrictive in their use while others have been opened to fishing for the first time in decades

With all the revisions, additions, and deletions we strived to honor the original format as conceived by Fran Smith, Brian Tucholke, and all the original contributors. The guide when it first came out (1988) was considered by many, to be the best of its type in the country and the impressive quantity that were printed, bears this out. In fact, much of the information in the original edition required no alteration and has been reproduced in this revision. However, one major change is that the guide is not digitally formatted. The original editions were of the cut-paste and printing plate type that, while being the best technology of the day, severely limited ones options for revisions and reprints. Now, future guides can be revised and sent electronically to printers.

Most importantly, the ultimate purpose of this book is to provide funding so the chapters and council can pursue our interests in our cold water resources and perpetuate our fisheries.

Price includes shipping and handling.