Dear Nor’East TU Members,
In our latest print newsletter, we announced the exciting news that the EnTrust Fund has made a major financial commitment to restoring and protecting the Ipswich River. They have asked us to use this opportunity to challenge others to do the same in order to multiply the impact of this commitment.
As I stated in our summer newsletter, we need many more of us to fully realize the vision of a healthy Ipswich River. We are working to make this a breakthrough year for your river, and we can’t do that without you.
I am very happy to report that as of today, over 200 new households have joined since we started our membership drive. Thank you very much for your participation and continued support!
If you haven’t yet joined, would you please become a member today? Please put your membership gift to work immediately by joining online or mail a check to PO Box 576 Ipswich, MA 01938. Every step forward we take this year will be multiplied. Here’s why:
- Every new or increased donation will be matched dollar for dollar through the generosity of a matching gift from the EnTrust Fund.
- Growth in our membership and grassroots fund-raising will strengthen our credibility when we ask for corporate support.
◆ Our members’ increased commitment will enhance our influence with the policy makers who have a profound impact on river health.
It’s not just about financial contributions. We would love to have you join us by volunteering in the field, in the garden, or in our office at Riverbend. To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please visit our website at or email Ryan at
One more thing: please share this appeal and your love of the river with friends, family and colleagues. Forward this message to a friend, and help us grow the Ipswich River Watershed Association today.
Thanks again for supporting the Ipswich River.
Wayne Castonguay
Executive Director