Greetings Nor’East Chapter Members and Friends,
As I send out event and meeting notifications, I usually get several replies from members who would like to attend but have conflicts with work or maybe one of their children’s activities. Following are details of a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to habitat restoration close to your home and on your own time.
The Parker, Ipswich and Essex Rivers Restoration Partnership (PIEr2)—of which the Nor’East Chapter is a member—has organized a session to train individuals to conduct an inventory of stream crossings in their towns. The training will be at the Topsfield Library on Thursday, June 23 at 5 p.m. and is provided by the Mass Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), UMass Wildlife Extension, Ipswich River Watershed Association and the Topsfield Conservation Commission.
Why is this training and information important? When a road crosses a stream, the style and size of the bridge or culvert may create a barrier to the migration of fish and wildlife. As we’ve seen locally, many of our rivers have stretches that run dry in the summer. Trout will seek refuge where they can, but if a culvert is impassable, they’re often living on borrowed time.
The first step in restoring river continuity is to measure and analyze each culvert and bridge along a river, stream or brook. The information is then entered into a computer model developed by UMass Wildlife Extension and assessed for its effect on stream continuity.
The information processed by UMass helps towns and organizations like the Nor’East Chapter prioritize restoration projects based on potential habitat gains for fish and wildlife.
Once you’re trained in the assessment process, you can survey as few or as many crossings as you like. Documenting every stream crossing in our area is a massive undertaking, so even if you think you would only analyze one or two culverts/bridges, your contribution is valuable.
Please let me know if you can attend the meeting, and please forward this email to any people you think could help with the inventory.
Stream Crossing Inventory Training
Thursday, June 23, 5 p.m. (bring a brown bag dinner!)
Topsfield Library
One South Common St.
Topsfield, MA 01983
Thanks for all of your hard work.
Warm regards,
Kevin Correa
Nor’East Chapter | Trout Unlimited