Regular Meeting and Brook Trout Talk March 1 at 7:00 PM

BOB MALLARD has fly fished for over forty years. He is a former fly shop owner and a Registered Maine Fishing Guide. Bob is a blogger, writer, author, fly designer, and native fish advocate. He is the Publisher, Northeast Regional Editor, and a regular contributor to Fly Fish America magazine. Bob is a staff fly designer at Catch Fly Fishing, an Ambassador for Epic fly rods, and on the Scientific Anglers pro staff. He is also a founding member, former National Vice Chair, and current Executive Director and Maine Board member for Native Fish Coalition. Bob’s writing, photographs, and flies have been featured in Outdoor Life, Mountain Journal, Fly Fisherman, Fly Fish America, American Angler, Fly Rod & Reel, American Fly Fishing, The Drake, Fly Fishing & Tying Journal, Fly Tyer, Angling Trade, Eastern Fly Fishing, MidCurrent, OrvisNews, The Fiberglass Manifesto, Fly Life Magazine, Southern Trout, Tenkara Angler, On The Fly, Fly Fishing New England, The Maine Sportsman, Northwoods Sporting Journal; Friends of Baxter, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, and North Maine Woods newsletters; Epic and Planetary Design blogs, R.L. Winston catalog, and the books Guide Flies: How to Tie and Fish the Killer Flies from America’s Greatest Guides and Fly Shops, Caddisflies: A Guide to Eastern Species for Anglers and Other Naturalists, America’s Favorite Flies, 50 Best Tailwaters to Fly Fish, 25 Best National Parks to Fly Fish, The Hunt for Giant Trout, and Maine Sporting Camps. Look for his books 50 Best Places Fly Fishing the Northeast and 25 Best Towns Fly Fishing for Trout (Stonefly Press,) and his most recent, Squaretail: The Definitive Guide to Brook Trout and Where to Find Them (Stackpole Books.) Bob can be reached at, or 207-399-6270.

How to log-in to this Zoom meeting  is below or in our Newsletter section of this web page.  Bob is a great speaker and a great mentor for any fisherman. Please do not miss this talk.

The Zoom Meeting invite, and the schedule, are as follows:

6:00 PM:  Zoom Meeting opens

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM:  Optional (!!) open discussion.

7:00 PM – ~8:00 PM:  Presentation by Bob Mallard.

~8:00 PM – ~9:00 PM:  NETU Board meeting.

A note about the Board Meeting:  There are some discussion items on the Board meeting agenda (coming later) that would be helpful to have good attendance for.  This includes Project Voldemort updates, Red Brook updates, and preparation for April’s Annual Meeting that includes elections.  Hope you can make it!

Zoom Meeting Invite

Ben Meade is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NETU March Meeting
Time: Mar 1, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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