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January 9th Fishing Talk Speaker at 7:00pm – Dr. Carl Soderland

Is no fish safe from this man?

 “Fishing for Trout on the Smith River in Montana”    

Dr. Carl Soderland grew up in Woods Hole, Massachusetts on the Southwest corner of Cape Cod. In his younger days he was a bottom fisherman, often fishing off the the New Bedford, Woods Hole, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket steamship authority dock with squid for scup, flounder, dog fish and sea robins. Later, using spinning gear for blues and stripers. His fishing career was halted for twelve years while he attended college, medical school and medical residency.

He and his wife moved to Ipswich in 1979 and was fortunate enough to have a long time fly fisherman in 1982 suggest that our little book group meet at Tim Pond Camps in Eustis, Maine. Hugh outfitted him with a sinking and dry fly rods and fly boxes labeled wet, dry or streamers. He started tying in the 1990’s at the old Hunters in New Boston, NH with AK Best, Dick Talleur, Page Rogers and Dave Skoke. He hosted a group of Tyler’s called Top Tyers for years at his home.

He loved the Eustis/Rangeley area so much, that he and his wife bought a camp on the Little Kennebago.
He fishes for stripers on the flats of Plum Island Sound from his Alden Appledore shell, kayak, wading, or boat; for brook trout in Maine; salmon on the Miramachi; bonefish in the Bahamas; steelhead in western NY; and trout in Montana.

After 42 years practicing Medicine in Ipswich, he retired with the goal of more fishing, more fly tying, and more time with fishing friends. His retirement gift to himself with his wife’s blessing was a 6 day float on the Smith River which she gladly accompanied him.

Our Fifth NETU chapter gathering of the season will be held live on Monday, January 9, at the Ipswich River Watershed Association located at 143 County Road, Ipswich, MA  01938.  We will begin at 6:00 pm with a dinner prepared by our resident chefs, Kenny Washburn (Kenny’s famous Chili) and/or Mike O’Neill ( and Mike’s delicious corn bread) (please BYOB).  At 7:00pm, following the dinner, DrC will present to us.

There will also be a bucket raffle organized by Bob Torkildsen.

So, please join us for what should be a another enjoyable and informative evening.  If you have any questions, please contact Kalil Boghdan, Program Coordinator, at

If you can not make it in person, please join us on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 812 8099 8254
Passcode: 472721