Please join the Nor’East chapter this Saturday morning for a clean up event at the Mill River. We’ll meet at the put-in on Route 1 on the Rowley – Newbury Line. This event will be held in conjunction with the Parker River Clean Water Association. Bring waders or boots, gloves and any clean up tools used to pick up trash. The chapter will supply the trash bags. We’ll meet at 9:00 AM and work the morning, then have lunch available for the volunteers when we finish. This area is important to the chapter since it is ground zero for the brook trout stocking program started last year by First Light Anglers. Please consider participating in this worthwhile and fulfilling activity. It always feels good to know you are directly impacting a cleaner, safer and more beautiful environment. If you’d like to sign up or have any questions or comments please contact us. Thanks to Thomas Wooldridge for coordinating this chapter event. See you there!
Saturday May 7, 2011 9:00 AM
Mill River Put-in