March Meeting – Jim MacCartney – River Restoration

Join us this month for a presentation by Jim MacCartney, River Restoration Director for Trout Unlimited (TU). Jim works nationwide on a variety of river restoration projects including stream crossing remediation, channel restoration, bank stabilization, habitat enhancement, dam removal, and watershed assessment. Before joining TU, he worked for the NH Department of Environmental Services where he administered the NH Rivers Program and led development of the State’s instream flow policy. Jim previously was President of the River Management Society, and earned his M.S. in Resource Management and Administration from Antioch University New England. In addition to his job with TU, Jim also works part-time for the National Park Service on Wild and Scenic Rivers.

Jim’s talk will focus on some of TU’s restoration efforts in the region and the innovative techniques being employed.

We’re also going to celebrate St’ Patrick’s Day a little early because our own Mike O’Neill will be making corned beef and cabbage for our pre-meeting meal. Join us and remember to bring your own green beverage!

Monday March 4, 2013
6:00 Dinner ($5.00 donation)(Bring Your Own Green Beverage)
7:00 Meeting
Ipswich River Watershed Association
143 County Road
Ipswich, Mass
Click here for directions.