Photo: Lakewood Camps
Join us this month for a presentation on fishing Maine’s Rapid River, presented by Whit Carter of Lakewood Camps. The big fishing attraction at Lakewood Camps is the Rapid River. Named the best natural brook trout stream in the lower 48 states, and listed as one of the top 100 best places to fish in the world, the Rapid lives up to this reputation. The Rapid often exceeds fly fishers expectations. Brook trout in the three to five pound range are common. The Rapids River’s landlocked salmon must not be over looked either, they are prolific, and big. Many salmon exceed twenty inches, and three pounds. Landlocked salmon are a great fly fishing challenge, with long runs and lots of fighting and jumping which adds to the excitement. Find out more at
We will also have our annual business meeting, elections and member rod raffle. Don’t miss out!
Monday January 7, 2013
6:00 Dinner ($5.00 donation)(Bring Your Own Beverage)
7:00 Meeting
Ipswich River Watershed Association
143 County Road
Ipswich, Mass
Click here for directions.