Picture tag: Fishing
Fly Shop
Your purchase supports the Nor’East Chapter’s mission and activities An Angler’s Guide to Trout Fishing in Massachusetts – $20.00 Considered by most to be the bible of trout fishing in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, TU volunteers have put together An Anglers Guide to Trout Fishing in Massachusetts to benefit trout fishermen and cold water resources…
Continue reading →October 2016 Meeting – Ipswich River in Crisis: The Impact of A Historic Drought
Monday, October 3, we’ll be having a great meeting – great people – great food – great content! Hope to see you there. Our second meeting of the season on Monday, October 3rd, is at the regular IRWA HQ in Ipswich. We’ll have a great lasagna dinner prepared by Kalil Boghdan at 6:00 PM, and…
Continue reading →March Meeting – Kalil Boghdan Fly Fishing for Bonefish in Andros Bahamas
MEETING REMINDER: Monday, March 7 at 7:00 PM at the ORVIS Store in Peabody, Mass. PLEASE BRING SOME CHAIRS – ORVIS DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH FOR THE WHOLE GROUP Please find the March Newsletter here. Just a quick reminder that our regular meeting will be Monday March 7 at 7:00 PM for a talk at the…
Continue reading →October Meeting -Rick Little – Adventure Trip to Big Sky Country, Montana’s Bighorn and Missouri Rivers
Travel with Rick on one fisherman’s dream adventure trip to two of Montana’s superb trout rivers – The Bighorn and the Missouri. Rick will share his experience on these two fabulous rivers and highlights the beauty of Montana’s high plains, canyons and mountain scenery. If you have been to Montana, this program will bring back…
Continue reading →September Meeting – Eliot Jenkings of Greasy Beaks Fly Fishing – Fishing for False Albacore
Capt. Eliot Jenkins, guide and owner of Greasy Beaks Fly Fishing, will speak on fishing for False Albacore and Bonito. Eliot also guides for stirped bass and tuna, as well as salmon and steelhead in N.Y., Michigan. and Oregon. Monday September 14, 20156:00 Dinner ($5.00 donation) (Bring Your Own Beverage)7:00 MeetingIpswich River Watershed Association143 County…
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